What's Holding You Back?

P = P - I

Once you understand this simple equation, it all becomes clear.

Performance = Potential - Interference (link)

Eliminate the interference and your full potential will equal your full performance, where there are no obstacles in your way holding you back.

Have you ever felt like this? I know you have - when nothing could get in your way and you were firing on all cylinders. It's exciting.

But this rarely happens. We always invite interference into our lives. And that impacts our performance-potential ratio.

To eliminate or lessen interference, we need to leave our comfort zone frequently, like successful people do. Let go of your current familiar life and make bold decisions to live the life you dream about.

The real culprit behind our interference: Don't self-reject. 
Most of the time, what holds us back is entirely in our heads.

  • Don't think your boss will give you a raise? Ask them.

  • Don't think you deserve the job? Apply for it.

  • Don't think your article is good enough? Publish it.

  • Don't think they'll reply to your email? Send it.

  • Don't think your customers will like you raising prices? Do it.

Don't self-reject. 
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop it in it's tracks and take action. Just do it.

Here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. I just finished my latest playbook - 3 Things You Need To Do To Guarantee Success - tools for your career, business, and life.

  2. Schedule a call - Spend thirty minutes with me for free to see if I can solve your problems and give you a real breakthrough.​

  3. Make a commitment - Email me saying “I’m ready” and my team will be in touch to plan a full consultation to work together. This is the first step in changing your career, business and life forever.