Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management

How gratitude expands leadership

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Today is Memorial Day in the United States. While many here gather as family and kick off the summer season, Memorial Day goes much deeper. We recognize those men and women who have both dedicated and given their lives for our freedom. Two of my friends currently serve in the US Armed Forces. I am deeply grateful for their dedication.

Memorial Day is also a time to remember our own ancestors and show gratitude for the sacrifices they have made to give us what we have today. So many have given so much to make this world a better place.

Gratitude-Memorial Day

No matter what your reason showing gratitude today, that simple act strengthens your leadership. Showing gratitude to others helps you see the world through new eyes, and gives you the strength to push through the tough times.

As a leader, you know your success depends on the united efforts of others. Here are four ways gratitude expands your leadership:

  • Gratitude develops success: Your success ultimately hinges on collaboration with others. Having gratitude for those around you influences them to do more to help your cause.
  • Gratitude opens doors: Opportunities often arrive from unexpected sources. Leaders who show appreciation draw the interest of those with whom they come in contact, and they attract other leaders who will help them become more successful.
  • Gratitude produces peace: Having a thankful attitude for your blessings inspires internal peace. The lack of internal conflict (within yourself and within your organization) frees you to pursue high-value activities that lead to success.
  • Gratitude increases trust: When you value the hard work and contributions of others, their trust in you and your leadership increases dramatically.

Take time today to express gratitude to (and for) those who have made a difference in your life. Make it a practice to do this every day. Your leadership will expand in ways you had never expected.

Questions: How has gratitude affected your leadership? Do you show gratitude consistently? Please leave a comment in the space below.

The Product Management Perspective: The topic of gratitude is not often addressed in product management circles. However, I have never met a product manager who was not appreciative of the people who work hard to make his or her product(s) successful. Take a few minutes to express your gratitude to the team. That simple act will build trust and show your leadership.

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