Redefining Ethical Leadership in a Global Society

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As a society, we are beginning to redefine ethical leadership. The change started quietly, fueled by a web of linked communication channels and a desire for a more civil way of dealing with each other. We are collectively making progress toward thinking of ourselves as a global society, and our instant communication channels enable us to talk with others anywhere in the world who are concerned about the same things that we are concerned about.

The New Connectedness Illuminates Issues…

The new connectedness that we enjoy illuminates issues. As we see things more clearly, our standards for how we need to treat each other change.  For example, we have been concerned about bullying and disrespectful behavior in the workplace for many years.  These negative behaviors interfere with business and make it difficult for people to do their best work. When we step up several levels in view and see these dysfunctional work behaviors from a global perspective, it becomes clearer that we are all connected and that how we treat each other matters a great deal more than we had realized. At this level, how is workplace bullying really different from other behaviors that we consider to be “crimes against humanity?” How much harm is acceptable?

…and Our Standards for Ethical Leadership Change

As we better understand how we are connected as a global society, and our thinking about ethical leadership evolves, our standards of  expected behavior begin to change.

We don’t accept treating people disrespectfully or abusively.

We tolerate less harm.

We think of harm more broadly.

We expect leaders to be inclusive.

We think of inclusion more inclusively.

…It raises the stakes for all of us.



For more, see Linda’s book 7 Lenses and the 21 Question Assessment: How Current is My Message About Ethics?
  7 Lenses is a Bronze Axiom Business Book Award Winner in Business Ethics41cEVx-Tu4L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_
  2014 Axiom Business Book Award Winner 
  About 7 Lenses  @leadingincontxt  @7Lenses

© 2011 Leading in Context LLC 

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