Top Posts And Commenters For January 2014

The first month of 2014 has closed it’s final page. I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by.

Michigan was hit with the Snowpocalypse where we received a ton of snow. Looking out of certain windows, you can’t see anything but the snow. It’s crazy.

How about you? How’s the weather and things going with you and your family?

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With that, it’s time to dig into statistics, something that I love.

Top Posts

1. Your Past Doesn’t Define You, It Helps Shape You

2. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery

3. 12 Books You Should Add To Your Reading List

4. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

5. Why You Should Spend Less Time Talking

6. 5 Fears Young Leaders Face

7. How To Deal With Overwhelm

8. The Toughest Decision I’ve Had To Make

9. 5 Reasons Your Leadership Is Ineffective

10. 10 Great Leadership Quotes From Nelson Mandela

For the first time in a long time, 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery isn’t in the top spot. This top post has been replaced by a relatively newer post.

My post where I shared about losing my best friend has also remained in the top 10 list. I truly hope the pain I’ve gone through with this loss has helped others deal with similar situations.

Top Commenters

1. Kimanzi Constable

2. Wan Muhammad Zulfikri Bin Wan

3. Jon Stolpe

4. Matt Ham

5. Ryan Bonaparte

6. Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg

7. Dan Black

8. Bill Benoist

9. Bob Sinclair

10. Amber-Lee Dibble

Thanks to everyone who commented on the blog this month. You help flesh out the content with the discussions you have in the comment section. Keep on commenting!

Site Statistics

Visits – Increased 9.14%

Unique Visitors – Increased 4.82%

Pageviews – Decreased 4.16%

Pages Per Visit – Decreased 12.9%

Average Visit Duration – Decreased 22.61%

Bounce Rate – Increased 882.92%

New Visits – Decreased 5.15%

 A lot of site statistics took a hit this month. However, the two metrics that I care about actually increased, that being Visitors and Unique Visitors. More and more people are coming to the site and getting the leadership insights that are being shared. For that, I’m pleased.

Site News

A week ago I wrote a post in regards to collecting junk. Within the post was a challenge to declutter your life by getting rid of items you may no longer need.

The challenge isn’t big. It’s getting rid of one item a day for the month of February. By the end of the month, you should be able to get rid of 28 items that are cluttering up your life.

Want to see the junk cluttering up my life? Here are three pictures showing what my office looks like. Please don’t be afraid!

Office junk

Office junk1

Office junk2As you can see, my life really needs some decluttering. The plan is to kick a lot of this junk to the curb.

During the month, I won’t be throwing it away immediately. I want to keep each item until the end of the month and capture the amount of clutter I removed from my home office.

I hope you’ll join me in this challenge. I think this will help us all get rid of a bunch of unneeded items from our lives. Are you in?

Question: What about you? If you’re a blogger, share your most popular post. If you’re not, share your favorite post from a blogger you follow.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.