Top Posts And Commenters For February 2015

The month of February is in the history books. For me, it was a busy month.

Multiple trips to the city of Florence, Alabama and a weekend of ice climbing made it seem like I blinked and the month was over.

I hope you experienced some newness and adventure in your life this month.

february 2015 wordle

With that said, I like to start off the new month reviewing the previous month and seeing what happened with the blog.

February was a great month for blogging. I saw some amazing things fall into place, had a record month, and made some extraordinary new friends.

Top Posts

1. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6

2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders

3. 4 Frustrating Realities Of Leadership

4. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Unbroken

5. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

6. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner

7. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From X-Men: Days Of Future Past

8. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery

9. 21 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction

10. 12 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Once again, we see that the pop-culture leadership lessons from movies made up a majority of the top posts. Funny thing is, I haven’t had a movie leadership lesson post in the last two months.

That will change with the amazing movies coming out in March and the following months. Look forward to more of those!

Top Commenters

1. Dan Knight

2. Jane

3. Jon Stolpe

4. Kiki Stamatiou

5. Jon Stallings

6. Paul Sohn

7. Amber-Lee Dibble

8. Dan Black

9. TC Avey

10. Tony Palus

With a lot of the big name bloggers doing away with commenting systems, I’m glad that so many are still commenting on the blog. Reading your comments and being challenged by what you share encourages me to keep on writing.

I look forward to every comment that comes through!

Site Statistics

Sessions – Increased 8.73%

Users – Increased 10.88%

Pageviews – Increased 7.91%

Pages Per Session – Decreased 0.75%

Average Session Duration – Decreased 7.51%

Bounce Rate – Increased 4.83%

New Sessions – Increased 2.12%

The blog saw moderate growth. At 10% a month, I’m very happy with that stat.

If you like what you see, please share it on one of your favorite social media sites or through a friendly email.

General News

February saw a lot happen in our lives. The biggest being that Pam and I have stepped away from our position as youth leaders and have begun looking for a new local church.

We heard God tell us clearly that it was time and we had to be obedient.

I also celebrated a birthday and had a great time ice climbing in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

Last but not least, we got together with a great group of dreamers and builders. During the few hours we had together, we shared our dreams and what we were doing. This helped build us up and challenged us to do better.

Question: How was your month? If you’re a blogger, share your most popular post. If you’re not, share your favorite post from a blogger you follow.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.