No doubt, there is a lot going on for people and business right now. I know there always is -- and this last month alone, with the level of growth, break ups, business reboots, politics, and downright drama - up-leveling, creating your life, healing, navigating authentically, and making magic (your way) are all on my mind.

No matter where you're at right now in this moment; feeling crowded, heart-broken, conflicted, in too much pain to stay but too comfortable to go, frustrated, completely overwhelmed, or overjoyed - in regards to a personal OR business relationship or whatever - here are 10 things you might try, do, or say to work your path over and move forward more powerfully. Take what serves, toss what doesn't, and tweak at will to fit your big beautiful life and impact.

  1. Find the gift in whatever is happening. What's the gift? What's the learning? No matter how much it sucks, hurts, or irritates (or feels amazing!) -- find the gift. Go deep.
  2. Identify your contribution; how are you contributing to this dynamic or situation? There's always a way... find it. (It may be as simple as you're projecting negativity, you're not holding boundaries or making requests, you're not addressing things directly, or you're complaining and adding to the problem, vs. requesting or suggesting and getting into action to be a part of the solution.)
  3. Grab the littlest thing you can do to set it right, kiss it, and make it so. What's the LITTLEST thing you can do to contribute to helping things go right or making the situation better? (Hint: Complaining, gossiping, talking behind your colleague's back, and feeling frustrated or sorry for yourself is not going to set things in the right direction.) Find that little thing. Honor it. Do it. Glow.
  4. Check yourself before you wreck yourself; how are you personally Showing Up here? Enough said. Get. In. There.
  5. Take really good care of yourself - set yourself up to be the best and most resilient version of yourself, and most effective and powerful instrument of change possible. Are you being proactive about your energy and well-being? Are you eating well, moving your body, resting, nourishing yourself and relationships, doing whatever it is you need to do to stay well? Hop to. Little things are big.
  6. Be nice to yourself. Period.
  7. Repeat after me: "My business, your business, God's business." Pay attention. Where are you meddling? If you're spending energy on someone who is not in present company, that you have no influence over serving, or that you are just gossiping about - you are out of your business. (If you're doing any of this to inflate yourself, escape your own reality, or create a bond with other meddlers and gossipers - even more so.) Stand down, dear one. Get back into your business. (We can be of better service when we're in our own space anyway - so everyone wins here.)
  8. Repeat after me: "My responsibility, your responsibility, my responsibility, your responsibility." See number 7.... And tweak it as so... take responsibility for you and your impact. Be of service. But... Don't take responsibility for others, over-functioning, and thereby taking opportunities --for them to Show Up -- away from them. (Which, by the way, are all necessary experiences for us to have in order to up-level our own leadership and impact.)
  9. Repeat after me: "Save the drama for your mamma." Are you getting hooked into other peoples' dramas? Are they writing you into their play? You are at choice here; decide what role you want to play - if any.
  10. Keep your integrity in check in whatever way that means for you. What does that mean for you? Identify it. Clean it up. Set it straight. No matter what's up - if you have your integrity, you'll be stronger for whatever is coming your way. Out of integrity and lost in it? Ask for help.

Enjoy your space. Enjoy the clarity.
To you and your greatest impact. Go. XO


This article first appeared on on October 10, 2016.


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