#Podcast Interview With Kevin Cashman on Leadership From the Inside Out
Manage Polarities . . . or Step Off the Seesaw

In this podcast, I interview Mark Miller about how to attract and retain top talent.  Mark and his team conducted an extensive research study to find out what differentiates top talent from typical talent and what top talent wants from work. We discuss the results of the research, what they learned, and what leaders at all levels need to do to attract and retain top talent.

We jump right into the interview by exploring what Mark means by “top talent” and why he believes there is a “war for talent.” If all you want from employees are “warm bodies” and don’t care if they are using their brains, you can pretty much hire anyone. But, as Mark demonstrates, attracting and retaining top talent requires a different approach.

Click below to listen to our interview:


attract and retain top talentAbout Mark Miller: Mark is the best-selling author of seven books, an in-demand speaker and vice president of high-performance leadership at Chick-fil-A.

In his new book, Talent Magnet: How to Attract and Keep the Best People, Mark unveils the three critical aspects of how to be a talent magnet and explores the deeper meaning of each in an entertaining business fable.

You can follow Mark on Twitter @LeadersServe, learn more about Mark here, and purchase Talent Magnet here.



#Podcast Interview With Mark Miller on How to Attract and Retain Top Talent
#Podcast Interview With Kevin Cashman on Leadership From the Inside Out
Manage Polarities . . . or Step Off the Seesaw

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