Top Five Books For Your Must Read List

Last Friday I published a long list of books that I referenced in a recent presentation. A reader asked if I might narrow the list.

Here are my top five recommendations from that list of 23 resources I listed last week. The following books changed me.

#1. Mindset, Carol Dweck. – “What did you learn?”

Carol taught me that our response to failure is more important than the failure itself.

#2. Focus, Heidi Grant. Insights into promoters and protectors.

Read this book to understand people who promote ideas collide with people with a protector’s orientation. It will help you understand tensions between people on your team.

#3. Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman. “Nothing is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it.”

If you only read one book this summer, read this one. It’s not always an easy read. But it’s an essential read for all decision-makers.

You can feel highly confident and be completely wrong.

#4. Start with Why, Simon Sinek. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

#5. Scaling Up Excellence, Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao. – “What if I’m wrong?”

I like Bob Sutton’s approach. Chapter 7: Bad is Stronger than Good – Clearing the Way for Excellence, is worth buying, “Scaling Up Excellence.”

Please note that I can’t give you an all-time top five list of leadership books. The above list names the top five books I referenced in a recent presentation.

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