Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Thoughts about Committees

Have no more than 12 members. Designate a leader and set a clear goal. The fewer standing committees, the better. Most standing committees, over time, become sluggish and parochial bodies that do little. It is far better to have the urgency of an ad hoc group that is aimed at a specific issue. Have a good mixture of members in terms of experience. Make sure that people in other locations aren't neglected even if they have to serve via teleconference. Give deadlines and treat them seriously. Don't demand consensus, but permit people to file minority reports. Emphasize that a committee recommendation is not binding. Let the members see how their work contributes to the big picture.


CincyCat said...

This post is very timely for me! I'm in the process of putting together a retreat for the board that I chair, and committee structure is something we'll be reviewing.

We currently only have three "official" committees, but they are not organized very efficiently. With your permission, I'd like to share your thoughts with the team when we start on this part of the agenda.

Michael Wade said...


By all means. Good luck!
