I’m erring on the side of sharing a little more rather than a little less on some of the work going on here. A few days ago, I highlighted upcoming changes. Last night, the new format for the site went live, although much work continues on content refinement and new content and resource creation.

A few data points:

  • I’ve changed my practice name from a meaningless corporate name to one that reflects my brand:  Art Petty Group.
  • Speaking of “Group,” there’s more than one of us working here. Stay tuned for some introductions!
  • The look and feel of the site has changed dramatically! The emphasis is a bit more on my business and practice areas, whereas the prior incarnation of the site was almost all blog.
  • The Management Excellence blog isn’t going anywhere…mostly. For anyone who links to me, your current link will send people to my home page. The new blog link is: https://artpetty.com/blog/
  • Yes, I need to rebuild my blogroll and outbound links. This will be part of the resource center.
  • The top-line NAV bar has changed dramatically, and I’m excited to be digging into forming and framing the new Resource Area.
  • There are a host of new offerings forthcoming, including a Vlogging series, a new dedicated blog series for New Leaders and a new Webinar initiative.

There’s a great deal going on in the name of focus on customers and on you, my valued readers and connections! I can’t wait to move out of construction mode into full-fledged delivery. Soon. Thanks for your patience and support.


p.s. Yes, I’m seemingly the last human on the planet to join Facebook. Check out the new page for the Art Petty Group, download a free excerpt of my latest book: Leadership Caffeine-Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development, and show me some “Like” love!