Monday, October 01, 2012

Crisis Management Case Study: The Benghazi Attack

Days before the ambassador arrived from the embassy in Tripoli, a Libyan security official had warned an American diplomat that foreigners should keep a low profile in Benghazi because of growing threats. Other Westerners had fled the city, and the British had closed their consulate.

Read the rest in The Washington Post


John said...

This is a different take on the Libyan tragedy.

The Libya Surprise
Why what happened in Benghazi is actually great for America...,0

Michael Wade said...


A few more victories like that and we'll be undone. I think the entire episode was a massive demonstration of incompetence.


John said...

Undone, indeed.
But it fades to insignificance compared with the ongoing, unremediated death tolls of "green on blue" attacks in Afghanistan as well as the epidemic rate of suicides of service people. More active duty troops kill themselves than die in combat.

Michael Wade said...


There is a lot of unease across the ideological spectrum with the situation in Afghanistan. The lack of foresight in the Benghazi fiasco goes off the charts.
