Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Pet owners are feeling sticker shock at the vet. The average household in the U.S. spent $655 on routine doctor and surgical visits for dogs last year, up 47% from a decade ago, according to the American Pet Products Association. Expenditures for cats soared 73% over the same time frame—on pace with human health-care cost increases. Expenditures for people in the U.S. were up 76.7% between 1999 and 2009, according to the U. S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Read the rest of
The Wall Street Journal article here.


Eclecticity said...

I once has a fantasy, not ever a plan, about marrying myself a nice pretty vet. She was, of course, going to be kind and I thought she could provide us a comfortable enough life to allow me to spend my day catching up on the Classics. The classics of everything!

Never happened. E.

Such are the dreams of the everyday house husband.

Michael Wade said...


Interesting fantasy and best left unspoken at home.
