How to Answer the Voice in Your Head that Creates Things You Dread

Stress is self-inflicted. You might like to blame high prices or bad bosses, but stress is creating all our own crosses.

Stress is made by voices in your head, not circumstances, people, or events you dread.

You have a house full of voices whispering in your ear. Most are motivated by anxiety and fear.

Two potatoes in a pot.

Our ability to excel is only exceeded by our fear of screwing up.

The waiting place:

There’s a voice in your head that says, “You better not do that. You could end up dead.” Sometimes that voice is right. But more often, the voice of caution is an excuse to stay in bed.

The false safety of inaction prolongs the agonies of life.

Dr. Seuss believed the waiting place was the most useless place.

“You can get so confused

That you’ll start in to race

Down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace

And grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,

Headed, I fear, toward a most useless place,

The Waiting Place…”

The waiting voice justifies inaction.

  1. “They didn’t give me what I wanted.” Blame makes others responsible for your failure.
  2. “The timing isn’t right.” But perfect timing doesn’t even exist in fairy tales!
  3. “You need more information.” But it’s better to learn AS YOU GO instead of BEFORE you go.

Action answers the voice of dread in your head:

Mistakes of action are better than excuses for apathy.

Have you ever put something off because it was hard? Did your stress go down? Yes! But, in the end, inaction is more stressful than action.

Imperfect progress today is better than perfect progress tomorrow.

Distill your goal into something you can do today. Forget about great results. Take small action today.

Our ability to excel is only exceeded by our fear of screwing up.

A goal you can’t act on today is an anchor.

What excuses do leaders make for inaction?

How might leaders answer the seductions of inaction?