Why A Band Of Brothers?

Can I tell you how thankful I am for my band of brothers? I have two sets that I’ve come to rely on heavily. The first is Rick, Bobby, and Marty. I meet with these guys regularly at a local coffee shop, Aldea Coffee, in Grand Haven. Previously, we had met at the local Starbucks or Biggby Coffee.

We sit down, drink coffee or some flavored treat, and talk about life. I recently had to share some hard things with these guys. A few tears fell. A few tears are probably going to fall as I type this.

The other band of brothers consists of Tom, Jon, and the aforementioned Marty. Marty gets double Joe time. Haha, I feel bad for him but he’s awesome. We get together online through a Discord channel.

Why A Band Of Brothers?

I’ve always considered these guys to be good friends. We’ve been meeting regularly for what seems like forever. In truth, it’s only been a couple of years.

Yet they’ve been lifelines when I needed it. And we’ve been lifelines to them when they needed a safe place to vent.

We talk about work, family, and life in general.

When something is wrong in our lives, we can share with one another. Whether that is marital strife, parental illness or sickness, work struggles, or something else, I know I can go to these guys, talk to them, and come out feeling better.

Not only can I share my life with my band of brothers, but I can also count on them to be praying for me after I tell them what is going on. Knowing there are guys praying for me and lifting up my struggles means so much to me.

More than that… something they haven’t known until now is how much it means to Pam. In December, my dad was struggling with his health. He’s been in and out of the hospital. It’s heartbreaking to see my dad this way.

After a long night of tears, I knew I had to get up at 5:45 AM and go meet with them. Pam knows the value in me doing this but it is a burden on her as well. She likes to sleep in, cuddle, and have Joe time. This morning, she didn’t fight it. She knew what my time together with these men of God would mean to me.

When I let Pam know how much my meeting with my band of brothers meant to me this morning, she told me how thankful she was that I had a group of guys that I could open up to.

All of that to say, having a band of brothers is crucial to your mental health and well-being. You will be able to have a team of people who you can be your true self with. You will be able to cry with these men. You will be able to strengthen your marriage with these men.

A band of brothers is the team you need to be successful in your personal and business lives.

Question: Have you created a band of brothers you can count on? What’s stopping you? Let’s talk about this in the comments below.

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