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Money is NOT the root of all evil…

By October 16, 2011Church, Culture, God, Jesus

“Money is the root of all evil”

Have you ever heard that phrase?

I hear it often. The problem is that it’s not in the Bible. It’s from a commonly misquoted verse from the Bible.

The actual verse says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10 (emphasis mine)

And, you’d have to admit that verse is true. You’ve seen people fall in love with their money and it causes all kinds of grief.

But, money isn’t bad in itself. I happen to like money. It provides for the necessities of life and some of life’s pleasures. It pays the church bills too. We can use our money to bless others.

God uses our system of commerce (money) to further His Kingdom. Sure, He could do without our money…He could do anything He wants with no money at all…but God does choose to use money. You’ve most likely seen Him do so.

Where we get in trouble isn’t with money. It’s with the love of money. Jesus said we can’t love both God and money. He was referring to that sold out, fully committed, do whatever it takes to get kind of love. That love isn’t to be towards our money, but towards our Savior.

Be honest, which do you love more: Your money or Your Jesus?

The best way to tell is to have to give one of them up for the other. Hope you never have to choose that way, but it would at least determine the truth of your heart.

How can you tell when someone is loving their money in an unhealthy way?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 10 Comments

  • bob says:

    Without money the world would be a fair place to live.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Let me think on that. Sounds good, but I wonder if there is something else driving what money drives. If we didn't have money, would we struggle over something else? Good thought-provoking comment. thanks

  • Actually, the Bible has a whole lot of scriptures about our money and our finances. In fact, of Jesus' 39 parables, over half of them use money or work as a teaching tool. Only when money takes precendence over God in our life, there comes the trouble.

  • Jon says:

    I think the topic is really multifaceted. On the one side there are those for whom money is everything; over everything, including God. Then there are those who see the need of money because that's how we make it in this world; everything costs, but realize that it is from God and they trust Him for that provision. Then there is the side where people realize the need of money, and thank God for that provision, but lean on themselves for it and are very distressed when it doesn't come like they think it ought to come.

    During my marriage my wife has likened me to the first, where money is the most important thing. I'm not sure why as I've never been a work-aholic and I've always tithed and been generous when the need has been there. In the past I've seen myself more like the third side, realizing the practical need of money and thanking Him for it, but being distressed when it seems to be lacking. In the last couple of years, as He has worked in my life, I've become more like the second side. I still realize the practical need of money, but I am learning to lean on Him for that provision and if the amount of money isn't what I'd like it to be, I still just lean on HIm to provide.

  • Laurinda says:

    I've been in the position where all I had was Jesus. Although I'm doing ok financially now, I KNOW who provides for me. I force myself to think of why money is called currency – it should flow like a current in a river. When I save it's for a purpose but not just to hoard it away. Money is a tool to be used to build the kingdom.

  • A. Amos Love says:


    You ask…
    “Be honest, which do you love more: Your money or Your Jesus?”

    In my experience – it’s easy for those who have – the “Love of Money”
    to answer and say they love Jesus more. Even believe they love Jesus more.

    BUT – Here’s how the scripture reads…

    Luke 16:13
    No servant can serve two masters:
    for either he will hate the one, and love the other;
    or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
    Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    This scripture doesn’t seem to be saying you can love both. It’s NOT – God – and – Money.

    Seems it’s saying – you can LOVE only “ONE” and HATE the other. It’s – God – or – Money

    Try asking the question this way and have some fun…

    God or Money – which one do you hate?

    God or Money – which one do you despise?

    And watch the body language and facial expressions. 😉