Management Rules During Constant Crisis

In the past you wondered when the next crisis would hit. You don’t wonder that today.

Crisis-mode used to mean canceling appointments, working late, drinking too much coffee, and eating pizza late at night. You assumed you would get enough rest and head back to the gym when the crisis passed. That assumption will kill you today.

Image of an apple being crushed in a vise.

5 Management rules during constant crisis:

#1. Crisis-mode will continue for the foreseeable future.

You live in constant turbulence, persistent disruptions, and seductive distraction.

The things you could neglect during past crisis you can’t neglect today because in the past you neglected things with the assumption that the crisis would pass.

It’s not just COVID. Technology obliterates old rules. Expectations shift and collide like drifting icebergs.

#2. Confront reality.

The thing that concerns me most about leaders today is the decisions they’re making that are based on assumptions that aren’t true anymore.

The assumption that turbulence is going away is deadly. In the past, crisis-mode meant you focused on solving the crisis.

Stop using crisis-mode as an excuse to neglect self-care and self-development.

You won’t get by if all you do is try to get by.

#3. Make back-to-back meetings illegal.

If a meeting is typically one hour, make it 50 minutes. If it’s 30 minutes, make it 20. My experience shows that a little margin between meetings elevates energy and increases efficiency.

#4. Focus on high-return activities.

Stop pouring energy into low return activities. Your team would love to hear you say, “This isn’t working. What else might we try.”

#5. Time off isn’t the answer.

You need time off, but it’s more important to learn new rules for work.

“When the way you’re living and leading isn’t working, all the time off in the world won’t fix it.” Carey Nieuwhof

Tip: Don’t make every new challenge a crisis.

What new management rules might you suggest?