Sometimes the Best Strategy is an Exit Strategy!

An exit strategy is called many things: strategic retreat;  jumping ship; throwing in the towel; and at times, survival. When you assess your organization and you find that you are hopelessly outnumbered by hostile forces determined to destroy you, it’s time to explore other options. Don’t be oblivious to the obvious! When you find the values of an organization and its leadership are so violently at odds with your own core values, it’s time to exit and find a better fit. Animals know when to move on, do you!

There is a time for everything—even a time to quit!

Written by Robert Tanner | Copyrighted Material | All Rights Reserved Worldwide

This article is accurate to the best of the author’s knowledge.
Content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional advice in business, management, legal, or human resource matters.

Robert Tanner, MBA

Welcome to my leadership blog. I'm the Founder & Principal Consultant of Business Consulting Solutions LLC, a certified practitioner of psychometric assessments, and a former Adjunct Professor of Management. As a leadership professional, I bring 20+ years of real world experience at all levels of management.

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