Friday, March 02, 2012

First Paragraph

Winston Churchill was born in 1874, half way through the Victorian Era. That November, his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, then less than seven months pregnant, had slipped and fallen while walking with a shooting party at Blenheim Palace. A few days later, while riding in a pony carriage over rough ground, labour began. She was rushed back to the Palace, where, in the early hours of November 30, her son was born.

- From Churchill: A Life by Martin Gilbert


Dan in Philly said...

Would you recommend this as a good bio of Churchhill? I would like to read one.

Michael Wade said...


I'm sure there are many opinions on the best one but mine is that Martin Gilbert is hard to beat. He's the official biographer and has had access to a bundle of material. Piers Brendon wrote a very good short biography of Churchill years ago but the last time I checked, that is hard to track down.

Martin Gilbert is the gold standard when it comes to Churchill. He wrote a multi-volume biography and then a single volume one. I have the single volume version.


Dan in Philly said...

I have ordered it with my magical library card. Never was so much read by so many many from donations from so few...

Michael Wade said...


Sir Winston would be proud.
