How to Navigate Ambiguity and Uncertainty

Uncertainty finds comfort in nostalgia.

Those who run from ambiguity and uncertainty are bound to repeat the past.

Uncertainty and humility:

The higher you go in organizational life, the lower your tolerance for uncertainty.

Arrogance ties itself to status, position, and admiration.

Humility enables leaders to navigate uncertainty and ambiguity, but uncertainty repels arrogance.

Humility knows itself and tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty.

Identity blurs into performance for arrogant leaders. Performance isn’t identity for humility.

Failure, learning and personal development fall by the wayside when arrogance controls leaders.

Humility and arrogance:

  1. Humility doesn’t need status. Arrogance compares, stands aloof, and puts others down.
  2. Humility is FOR others. Arrogance is FOR itself. Arrogance is stressed. It worries that it won’t get it’s due and fears losing status.
  3. Humility stands WITH. Arrogance stands above and against. Standing WITH creates freedom and gratitude. Standing above and against creates stress, anger, envy, contempt, and insecurity.
  4. Humility delights in service. Arrogance demands recognition.
  5. Humility shows compassion. Arrogance clings to offense.
  6. Humility speaks truth. Arrogance lies to save face.
  7. Humility acknowledges frailty. Arrogance fakes competency.
  8. Humility connects. Arrogance builds walls.
  9. Humility sees opportunity in ambiguity. Arrogance sees threat.
  10. Humility brings its best. Arrogance needs to win.
  11. Humility learns because it confesses it doesn’t know. Arrogance needs to know and doesn’t learn.
  12. Humility adapts. Arrogance controls.

Humility is authentic because performance isn’t identity.

Humble leaders thrive in uncertainty and ambiguity.

How might leaders navigate uncertainty and ambiguity?