manager leadership workshop with mike cardus

During the covid19 pandemic, I facilitated many zoom and virtual workshops and meetings. We got the work done, and the joy plus connection was not there. I was pleased when a local manufacturing Human Resources manager called me and asked for some Supervisor Leadership Development face to face


The plant brought on a new Operations Manager, and the need for managerial-leadership skill development is recognized. 

Some supervisors have also recently increased their supervisory capacity from 1 area to 2 areas (doubling their people and work that the supervisor is accountable for). They were requesting leadership and people development skills.


 With feedback from Human Resources, we developed a very hands-on and interactive Supervisory-Leadership Basics Workshop that consisted of;

  1. 6-hours of face to face training and development, 
  2. each supervisor to identify one area that they can implement immediately, and one to two skills they will improve over the next 6-months. 

The content areas in the Supervisory Leadership Workshop: 

team performance mike cardus
The Foundation of Team Leadership

Learning includes:

  • A prescriptive model of team performance
  • A model of the leadership skills needed to produce results
  • Facilitative leadership 
  • Effective prevention and intervention methods for maladaptive team member behavior
  • Steps to create buy-in for the team projects from people who are outside the team
  • Application of the GRPI (Goals, Roles, Procedures, Interpersonal Relationships) model and necessary steps at each level
  • Application of the GRPI model to determine problems within the team, to lessen the issues, and develop measures for progress
supervisor coaching and feedback mike cardus
Coaching and Performance Feedback

Learning includes:

  • Supervisory Communication
  • Coaching for performance
  • Coaching underperformance 


Below are some of the supervisor’s responses from the learning and application follow-up: 

leadership development evaluation - how about are you to put what you learned into place
How much will this leadership development help improve your work
how sure are you that you can put these supervisor leadership skills into practice

And here are the areas of application that the supervisors put into action following the supervisory leadership training: 

What is one concept or area of learning you have applied?

  1. I have learned how to prepare better for in-depth conversations with my employees’
  2. communication
  3. I started using the coaching analysis tools the very next day when dealing with an employee.
  4. how to talk to my workers

What did you like the most about this Supervisor-Leadership training?

  1. How to communicate better with people and help keep both parties on point and not turn into an anxious situation.
  2. a different point of view
  3. The highly structured team performance model and coaching analysis steps.
  4. how we worked together

What would you change to make this Supervisor-Leadership Training better?

  1. Be more in-depth with question and answer of situations that can occur in the workplace
  2. role play, simulated situations
  3. I felt there was too much time spent on management layers.
  4. more hands-on training with the other companies and cross-train

Ever wonder how other teams make collaboration look so easy?

If so, you’ve recognized a challenge with your own team. And that’s the first step in finding a solution. Now, it’s time to do something about it.