Thursday, May 05, 2016

25 Questions When Considering Proposed Actions

  1. How much time do we have?
  2. Do we have the authority to do this?
  3. Who says so?
  4. Do we have the ability to do this?
  5. Who says so?
  6. Does it really need to be done?
  7. What are our assumptions?
  8. What are our options?
  9. What are the best arguments against each of those options?
  10. What is the worst case scenario if our favorite course of action doesn't work out?
  11. What is our fall-back plan?
  12. What is the worst case scenario if we do nothing?
  13. How many people will be adversely affected if we don't take action?
  14. How many people will be adversely affected if we do take action?
  15. Are those numbers inflated?
  16. Who will bear the greatest burden in each of the options?
  17. How will the proposed course of action directly benefit us?
  18. Will it simply restore the status-quo or will it move us forward?
  19. What are the likely unintended consequences?
  20. Is the action easily reversed?
  21. Once we have done this, then what happens?
  22. How can our success fail?
  23. How can our failure succeed?
  24. If this doesn't work out, what will be the likely cause?
  25. Can that be addressed in advance?

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