Fortune Favors The Bold.

"Audentes Fortuna Juvat" (in Latin). There are many articles dissecting this simple phrase - some good and some way off base.

Here’s my take — to get where you want to go in life, you have to take chances, step out of your comfort zone, and sometimes do things that scare you. When you do these things, you create opportunities and options that were previously unattainable or unknown to you.

That’s my definition of bold — taking calculated and decisive action when most people do the same old thing and wonder why their circumstances stay the same…

  • It’s asking for that promotion and raise after you show your boss clear evidence of your outstanding performance.

  • It’s raising your fees in your business when you know you’re delivering top-tier service to your clients.

  • It’s interviewing at another company because you want a change and/or increase your salary/benefits.

When you are bold, fortune (opportunity and options) reveal themselves.

It’s Monday - I want you to do one bold action today — even if it’s small — let’s bring Fortune into your life.