It’s Better to Hang Out with People Better than You

Warren Buffett said, “It’s better to hang out with people better than you.” 

Arrogance is the reason you’re less than you could be.

Would you choose to go to dinner every Friday night with 20 local people who are richer, smarter, prettier, and more respected than you? Or would you prefer being at the top of the heap?

Arrogance needs to feel superior, so it huddles with inferiors.


#1. Arrogance dislikes.

Everywhere arrogance looks, it sees people it doesn’t like. It’s hard to like people and look down on them at the same time.

#2. Arrogance finds fault.

Arrogance pushes others down to feed its need to feel superior. Faults in others allow you to dislike them. It’s hard to learn from people you dislike.

Learning is the advantage of humility. Accusation is the protective barrier of arrogance that justifies ignorance.

#3. Arrogance compares.

Arrogance sees weakness in others and strength in self. Arrogance needs to come out on top when it compares itself with others.

The difference between arrogance and humility is honest judgment.

Arrogance compares itself with others and comes out on top. But humility compares itself with aspiration and finds room to grow.

Envy prevents you from learning from people who are better than you.


Think of humility as a practice. If you practiced humility for a day, what might you do?

7 practices of humility:

  1. Stop out-doing and let others shine. Compliment. Encourage.
  2. Express disconfirming ideas even if it’s risky. Confront hard issues.
  3. Say, “Wow! I never thought of that.”
  4. Try something and fear failure less. Arrogance laughs when you fear failure.
  5. Relax, listen, and explore.
  6. Enjoy and like people.
  7. Show up to learn. Before you go home today, write down something you learned and how you will practice it tomorrow.

What does arrogance do?

If you practiced humility for a day, what might you do?