Two Easy Ways to Boost Employee Engagement


Small things can make a big difference when it comes to employee engagement. Here’s a couple easy things you can do to help improve employee engagement.  On a Friday at lunchtime, get employees together in a conference room for pizza and salad or go outside of work for an informal lunch and time to mingle.  When you do this, take time to chat with your colleagues and ask them what their interests are outside of work.  You’ll be amazed at the interesting activities your colleagues are involved in.  Also, be sure to look for the loners and make a special effort to connect with them and help them connect with others.  This time reduces stress and energizes most people.

Last week when I was in Miami Beach, one morning I stopped at a Starbucks on the Lincoln Avenue Mall.  Starbucks partners were gathering there for a walk (see picture above) to raise money for a non-profit organization.   There was a terrific energy among group participants.  They were handing out t-shirts and Starbucks baseball caps for participants. What a simple idea!  Why not let employees vote for a local charity and organize an outing to help them.  Maybe its a group walk for the breast cancer, helping out on a Habitat for Humanity project or offering to put a fresh coat of paint on wall at a local Boys and Girls Club.

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