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Christina Binkley

We've listened to your fantastic talk on cd. We've read the book. But no one in our home is more hooked on "becoming a rascal" than our 13 yr old boy. Gavin is an amazing young man with amazing potential, who does not allow his Asperger's to hold him back from doing anything he wants to do. We know that as his parents members of Team/MonaVie we will be able to further his brilliant mind and self education in the near future as we as a family puch forward with our Dreams and efforts in Team. Thank you for writing such a book that our eldest identified with so well that he took it scout camp with him and read it again, brought it home to reread again, and carries it with him often as a reminder of his goals for himself. Thank you.

Don Schultz, Team VIP Phalanx

This is a great book and the reminder that our influence outside is limited by what we are inside is monumental.

I teach a Jr. High Sunday School Class at church and somehting they hear fairly often, as often as I can work it in with the lessons learend from Biblical characters is, "people will either benefit or suffer because of who you are as a leader."

I tell them that leadership in it's most basic form is influence and as they are in band, on the socceer pitch, BB court/diamond, etc., they are having an impact on those around them. I encourage them to be Godly RASCALS.

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