Future of Learning 2011

Learner-Directed Learning

In today’s complex, connected global society, people prefer to learn in their own ways, at their own pace, using the resources they choose. They enjoy following their curiosity and creating their own meaning. Adapting to this learner-directed style of learning is creating an ongoing challenge for leaders and organizations.

The Networked Workplace of the Future

In “10 Principles for the Future of Learning” on the Ecology of Education Blog, Jason Flom describes a picture of connected, networked learning that  is decentralized and self-directed and has no “expert” authority at the helm.

According to Dr. Miriam Leis, Foresight Researcher, in “The Future of Learning 2030”  we are dealing with changes that include:

  • The decreasing half-life of knowledge
  • (Need for) growing interdisciplinarity
  • Rising life expectancy
  • Growing complexity and expectations
Engaging the Networked Learner

Self-directed, networked learning is inherently engaging. Networked learners already know how to find information fast and they have little patience with dull educational experiences.  Corporate learning has to engage learners at that level, too, in order for them to see the value in the experience.

In this evolving “Learning Future” we will need to embrace the technology, social media and collaboration needed in today’s global society, give up any thought that we “know” a subject and focus on how to engage the already networked learner.

Leaders Adapt First, Then Help Others

To lead responsibly, we need to understand and approach learning at multiple levels:

Level 1: Adapting to Changes

As leaders we are responsible for continual learning and adaptation as the world around us changes.

Level 2: Helping Those We Lead Adapt to Changes

As leaders, we must model continuous learning and adaptation, and coach others as they need help adapting to change.

Level 3: Helping Our Organizations Adapt and Learn

As we adapt and support the learning of others, we help our organizations stay current and relevant as times change.

Questions for Reflection

  1. How will I stay adaptable so that I can support the learning of others?
  2. How will I need to change my thinking?
  3. What will I need to start doing?
  4. What will I need to stop doing?
  5. How will I need to change how I lead in order to respond to the evolving future of learning?
  6. What fears will I need to put aside to succeed in this new learning environment?


For more, see new book 7 Lenses and the 21 Question Assessment: How Current is My Message About Ethics?

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