Leadership BS by Jeffrey Pfeffer; Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull – Coming for the November 6 First Friday Book Synopsis

Here are our two book selections for the November 6 First Friday Book Synopsis.

  1. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace. Random House (April 8, 2014). – (Guest presenter, Charlotte Hudgin).
  1. Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time by Jeffrey Pfeffer. HarperBusiness (2015).

I’m looking forward to preparing my synopsis of Jeffrey Pfeffer’s latest, Leadership BS. His premise – we’ve had a whole lot of leadership writing, training, and coaching going on, and not a whole lot of successful leadership… Employee engagement is still down; leaders “do not last.” In other words, the “leaders” are not all that good at leading. What is going so wrong? This book tackles that perplexing question.

And Creativity, Inc. is a terrific book by Ed Catmull (the head of Pixar). I’m looking forward to Charlotte Hudgins’ synopsis of this exceptional book.   (She will be our guest presenter in Karl Krayer’s absence).

Plan now to join us on November 6 for our next session of the First Friday Book Synopsis. Here’s the flier with all the details. (You’ll be able to register soon from this web site).

November, 2015 FFBS Flier
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