Be Like TED – The New Carmine Gallo Best-Seller for the FFBS

Carmine Gallo pictureTalk Like TED CoverI look forward to some future month at the First Friday Book Synopsis in Dallas for a presentation on a new best-seller, Talk Like TED:  The Nine Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2014), written by Carmine Gallo.  The book debuted this week at #6 on The Wall Street Journal best-selling list, and is currently #3, #4, and #7 in three different business best-selling lists.

Who is Carmine Gallo?  This is not his first book!  Carmine also wrote The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, The Apple Experience, which was the first book about the the Apple Store and how other brands can elevate the customer experience, and Fire Them Up, which identifies the seven secrets of the world’s most inspiring leaders.  You can find synopses of some of these books for sale on our site.  Interestingly, Gallo is not associated with TED talks.

Here is a summary of the book that I found on

Ideas are the true currency of the twenty-first century. So, in order to succeed you need to be able to sell yourself and your ideas persuasively. The ability to sell yourself and your ideas is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams. TED Talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking. TED—which stands for technology, entertainment, and design—brings together the world’s leading innovators and thinkers. Their online presentations have been viewed more than a billion times. These are the presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same ones that will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking.

Have you never watched a TED talk?  When I teach presentation skills at the University of Dallas in its College of Business MBA program, I require students to watch and critique five presentations from this site.  It’s a goldmine.  You can access the site here:  At Creative Communication Network, we teach a custom presentation skills program based upon intensive individual coaching.  You can be sure that we will be updating the program with some of the techniques from this book, in order to offer our clients the newest possible information to help them be successful.

I do not know which month this will be at the First Friday Book Synopsis in Dallas.  We only publish our schedule one month ahead.  But, you will have ample notice of the session when we will present this one.  The synopsis of the book will be presented by either Randy Mayeux or myself, depending upon our selections.  However, I do know it will be coming up very soon.  This is already a blockbuster best-seller.

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