Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence in 5 Easy Steps 

20 copies available!!

Leave a comment on this guest post by Kathy Stoddard Torrey to become eligible for one of 20 complimentary copies of her new book, Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence: A Parable That Reveals the Path to Better Relationships and a Happier Life.

Deadline for eligibility is 05/18/2023. International winners will receive electronic version.

In Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence, the reader follows John’s journey from down-and-out to balanced, happy, and enjoying positive relationships. He achieves his new stature over time by increasing his emotional intelligence.

In its simplest form, emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, self-discipline, relationship awareness, and relationship management.

Five easy steps to follow to elevate your emotional intelligence:

Step 1: Know Yourself

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. One way to know yourself is to define your values and priorities. You cannot make good decisions without knowing what’s important to you and why.

“Our words have no meaning when the nonverbal message contradicts them!” Image of a child holding fake lips over her mouth.

Step 2: Determine the Desired Outcome

Leaders can’t get what they want from a conversation unless they clearly define what that is and know the techniques to get it. One way to keep your desired outcome at the forefront is to constantly ask yourself before you speak or act, “Will these words or this action help me get the outcome that I want?”

Step 3: Read the Room

Discerning what others are thinking and feeling is a skill we can learn. One way to read the room is to pay close attention to people’s nonverbal communication. Do their tone of voice and facial expressions support the words that they are saying?

Step 4: Listen More, Talk Less

Telling others how to solve their problems isn’t the best way to help them. One way to listen more is to always ask three curious questions before offering any input or advice.

Step 5: Create a Peaceful Foundation

There are many ways to create peace and happiness in our lives. One research-backed way is to meditate. There are many other ways, and you must find what works best for you.

Which emotional intelligence skills is serving you well? Why?

Kathy Stoddard Torrey is a leadership coach, trainer, and speaker who helps individuals and organizations achieve success by creating positive relationships. She provides leadership and interpersonal communication seminars internationally to leaders in a variety of industries and to companies such as Deutsche Bank and GE Aviation. She is the author of Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence: A Parable That Reveals the Path to Better Relationships and a Happier Life. Learn more about Kathy’s work here


“We must decide where we want to go, what we want to accomplish, and who we want to be. I call choosing with intention ‘waving around the Magic Wand of Destiny.’”

“Ask yourself what actions, words, and attitudes would give you the best chance at achieving your desired outcome.”

“Paying attention to nonverbal communication can greatly enhance our awareness of how the people around us are feeling and how we are affecting them.”

“One of the greatest gifts that you can give someone is your time and undivided attention.”