Help: My Boss Doesn’t Support Me

Dear Dan,

I work in the Social Work/Mental Health field and am struggling to coach/supervise one of my staff who has been in one of my programs for the last two years.  This person continuously brings “bull crap” to one-on-one interactions, as well as group and outsider provider interactions. 

Her reaction when her perception, inconsistency, or helplessness is challenged is to blame and deflect.  She is also very “know it all” and disrespectful/unprofessional at times.

I do not get the support I need from my boss. I could benefit from some tactical ideas and expertise on challenging one-sided perceptions, inconsistencies, and helplessness, as this names her behavior precisely.

Feeling Unsupported

Help! My boss doesn't support me. Image of a house of matches on fire.

Help! My boss doesn’t support me.

Dear Unsupported,

It feels like you’re in a painful situation. Sending me an email is one way to reach outside your organization. I encourage you to continue looking for support and advice beyond your boss.

Let’s begin with your boss. What you do when you don’t get what you want sets a tone in your work relationships. Have you told your boss what you want? What does support look like to you?

Make it easy for your boss to support you. Here are some conversation starters that might help.

  1. Could we discuss some ways I might deal with disrespectful employees?
  2. I’d like some advice.
  3. I want to run my plan by you before I take the next step. I intend to….

Don’t expect your boss to save the day.

Rise to the occasion. Seek input. Develop a plan. Take action. Evaluate results. Adapt. Try again.

Forget about a magic wand solution. All plans are imperfect.

It’s hard not to, but the worst thing you can do is ruminate on this situation. Action answers rumination. The goal of reflection is action.

Identify a small step forward and take it.

You have my best,


More tomorrow…

What suggestions do you have for Feeling Unsupported?