5 Ways to Think for Yourself

You can’t think for yourself when you’re worried what others think.

Leaders have a mind of their own.

You can't think for yourself when you're worried what others think. Image of a chimpanzee thinking.

5 ways to think for yourself:

#1. Don’t rush to research.

Instead of exploring research, explore your own thoughts. Write a few paragraphs describing what you believe and why – before you seek outside input.

“The little girl had the making of a poet in her who, being told to be sure of her meaning before she spoke, said, ‘How can I know what I think till I see what I say?’” (The Art of Thought by Graham Foster)

When you don’t know your own mind most any idea sounds right.

#2. Consider how others could be right.

Create three reasons the opposite could be true. You haven’t thought well until you understand more than one side of an issue.

Write a paragraph or two explaining why another person is right.

#3. Reflect on who you’re making happy and why.

People pleasers don’t know themselves. I’m not saying good decisions always make you happy. Some decisions are painful.

The need to please clouds brains.

Please note: All success requires pleasing someone (not everyone of course).

#4. Judge slowly.

Judging is easier than thinking.

Quick minds hinder leaders. You decide and defend in an instant.

A judgement made is an omelet, hard to unmake. Openness ends and defending begins once you make up your mind.

#5. Try something.

Some ‘brilliant’ ideas are stupid. When you aren’t sure try something. Clarity comes with action.

How are you learning to use your brain?

What idea in this post could you use today?

Still curious:

How to Think Like a Leader

The Power of Wishful Thinking

Hurbert Joly is the ret. CEO of Best Buy and a Senior Lecturer at Harvard. He says The Vagrant will, “inspire a transformation in every leader who reads it.” Check it out here: https://amzn.to/3YE9Bzz