Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)

One-on-ones are the most valuable engagements on your calendar. By applying the seven strategies outlined here, you can ensure these sessions are productive and transformative, fostering a culture of growth, trust, and innovation.

Seven Key Strategies to Elevate Your One-on-Ones

1. Redefine the Purpose Together

View one-on-ones as a collaborative space for sharing ideas and solving problems, not as evaluation days. Work together to create a charter for the sessions, clarifying what both of you aspire to gain from your time together. 

2, Adapt for Schedule Conflicts But Don’t Cancel

Adapt the timing and frequency of your one-on-ones to suit the individual needs of your team members and to navigate the inevitable schedule conflicts. Just don’t cancel these sessions. Remember, a flexible approach signals respect and consideration for their workflow and preferences.

3. Move Beyond Status Updates

Elevate your one-on-ones beyond mere check-ins. Reserve these valuable sessions for deeper discussions on challenges, opportunities, idea generation, goal progress, and other personal growth topics.

4. Foster Creativity from the Start 

Start with questions that invite creative thinking, such as, “What’s an idea that’s been on your mind that you haven’t raised yet?” Or “What challenges do you see that no one seems to own solving or fixing?” This approach sets the stage for innovation and dynamic problem-solving.

5. Share Context

Help team members see the bigger picture of their work and its impact on the organization’s goals. Share the latest team or organization key performance indicators. Showcase successes or update team members on changes in organizational strategies and goals. A few minutes of strategic sharing can align efforts and enhance performance.

6. Delegate Meeting Ownership

Let your team members run the meetings. Alternating the facilitation of the meetings encourages ownership and keeps discussions relevant and engaging. This practice also provides valuable insights into the team member’s priorities and challenges.

7. Embrace Variation—Make these Jam Sessions 

Keep one-on-ones fresh by occasionally changing locations and format and even ditching the agenda to focus on new developments or just to generate ideas on a challenge the individual or group is facing. Variation breeds creativity and keeps both parties engaged.

Don’t Forget to Integrate Career Development

Career development should be a dynamic, ongoing conversation integrated into the fabric of your one-on-ones. Opportunistic and frequent discussions about career paths and growth opportunities reinforce trust and commitment.

One-on-Ones: The Untapped Potential

Despite their potential, many managers and executives overlook the strategic value of one-on-one sessions with team members. These moments are not just meetings but pivotal opportunities to build rapport, reflect, and re-energize. Protect these valuable spots on your weekly calendar and work hard to leverage their potential. 

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