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Where can I find the Rules for my Life?

Life has rules.  You cannot go to a book (I haven’t written it yet) and simply flip to page fifteen and get your answer.  It’s just not that easy when you are dealing with complex situations that involve people, feelings, risk and a myriad of other variables.  A computer program doesn’t even exist that can do it for you.  If you asked Watson where you could go for a great Hamburger in the United States it may send you to Toronto. (Google; Watson and Jeopardy to get that pop culture reference)

Not all the answers you need


You need to learn these rules from your mentors, friends, and family and through your own experiences.  The problem is you’ll almost never find the exact same scenario.  You might find a similar one but it’s doubtful that it’ll be the exact same.

You’ll need to use your best judgment and make a decision.  You’re never going to have all of the information you want but you might just have enough of the information that you need.  Make the call.  Go for it.  If you’re wrong, adjust course and make a new decision.  If you’re right, move on to the next issue and keep your fingers crossed that you can get that one right too.

  1. March 1, 2011 at 10:55 am

    This post could be the genesis of cross generational learning. It can bring down the barriers to listening to others — for in the end (as you say) we must make our own decisions. Take the situations, advice, and insights of others and then map your course.

    I’m very much liking your posts as the seeds of learning.


  2. March 1, 2011 at 11:10 am


    I really miss teaching leadership. I’ve recently reached out to a contingent of former students and told them how much I valued the time I had as an instructor. I miss teaching and sharing. It’s one of the main reasons I started this blog.


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