
How to stop yourself overcommunicating as a manager?

Written by Lord Mark Price CMgr CCMI Wednesday 12 July 2023
“Repetition is the key, but not being irritatingly boring in the way that you go about it.”
Woman stressed by surrounding people overwhelming her with communication

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Q: Communication is key to engaging employees, but I've never managed to get the balance right between over-communicating and not sharing enough. How have you managed to achieve that balance during your career? 


Lord Mark Price CMgr CCMI, founder of WorkL, current CMI president and former MD of Waitrose, answers:

You simply cannot overcommunicate; it’s impossible. But the way you communicate needs to be changed. I remember a quote which goes something like, “This sort of thing has to be said over and over again”. People see the point but forget it; newcomers arrive for whom the idea is new. There must be endless repetition, but that repetition must be done in such a way as not to be irritatingly boring to those who’ve heard the same thing before. 

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