Fast Friday with Heather Reisman, CEO Indigo Books & Music

In this week’s installment of Fast Friday, we have decided to bring your attention to the plight of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.  An Iranian woman who’s imminent death by stoning caught global attention earlier this week.  After reading Sakineh’s story, Heather Reisman sent an email to a group of influential colleagues and shared:

“Somehow, nothwithstanding the sense of potential futility, I feel we must try and do something.”

Reisman’s efforts led to and an online petition that was generating about 1000 signatures per hour by last night.  Yesterday, the Iranian government announced that Ms. Ashtiani will no longer be stoned, although she remains subject to execution.  Whatever that means.

Leadership is about having the courage to take action…even if the outcomes look bleak.  Leadership is not about being apathetic and thinking that someone else will “deal with it”.

Visit to sign the petition and make a difference.

Change can happen.

7 responses to “Fast Friday with Heather Reisman, CEO Indigo Books & Music

  1. Richard Gregor

    Good work Ms Reisman. Carry on!

  2. Claude Moscone-Gregor

    I am with you all the way. Thanks for doing this.

  3. Great to see people who have influence actually do something with it.

  4. Thanks for your support Claude.

  5. Ellen Staig

    This is barbaric and totally unacceptable to anyone living in the 21st century!

  6. Completely agree Ellen. It’s almost inconceivable for people in the West, in particular, to think that this type of thing continues to happen. Truly shocking.

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