200th Blog Post – Learning at the Speed of Life

Linda Fisher Thornton

By Linda Fisher Thornton

In my 150th Blog Post, I wrote about starting a blog and being new to the process of Learning Out Loud. To celebrate my 200th post, I want to reflect on what it’s been like to learn new things faster than I ever thought possible. It seems especially clear to me now that we all have capabilities we’re not using in our day to day lives. But imagine what could happen if we believed we could make a difference, lurched toward that goal unsteadily, and then just held on for the ride.

The dream for Leading in Context LLC started small, with a passion for responsible leadership, an intense curiosity and a question – “What does it mean to lead ethically in a complex world?”

Taking on that question brought this response on Twitter – “Good luck with that. Let us know when you get there!” Knowing that the question was too big to answer and that people didn’t think I could do it just made me work harder. In the process, I tapped into potential I never knew I had.

As you read about my journey, reflect on what you’re curious about, and how seeking the answer might be transformational.

What has stretched me in the past year? 

  • Winning a thought leader award connected me with a wonderful new global group of people, many of whom were already well-established in their areas of expertise. I had to step up.
  • Leading an Innovations in Teaching project for the University of Richmond School of Professional and Continuing Studies had me looking at Innovation in an educational setting. I had to step up.
  • Working with a thought leader strategy coach put a viable long-term business based on my question within reach. I had to step up.

What phrases are no longer in my vocabulary?

  • “What I have is working”
  • “I don’t think I can do that,” and
  • “There isn’t enough time.”

What challenges will the next year bring?

  • Implementing the new business strategy built earlier this year
  • Launching a new and improved website, and
  • Launching a practical book about how to lead ethically in a complex world

What mindset will I bring to my work?

  • Each time I reach the top of a mountain, I will be able to see the next one more clearly
  • The resources and support I need for success will be there when I need them, and
  • This is the most challenging work I’ve ever done, and it’s the most fun I’ve ever had.

What are you curious about?


For more, see Linda’s book 7 Lenses and the 21 Question Assessment: How Current is My Message About Ethics?

7 Lenses is a Bronze Axiom Business Book Award Winner in Business Ethics41cEVx-Tu4L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_
2014  Bronze Axiom Business Book Award Winner 
About 7 Lenses
Info@LeadinginContext.com  @leadingincontxt  @7Lenses

© 2013 Leading in Context LLC 



  1. William, Wow – In addition to being a writer with a message, you are also a philosopher. Enjoy the journey! As you have written here, growth takes patience, and writing helps us see our progress.


  2. Linda, I never write being dyslexic and manic the process was always to frustrating.
    The prospect of writing has been one of my goals for as long as I can remember so
    I have begun a thousand times and again a year ago, it could possibly be today.
    This has been a strange year, well, for some reason or other I began writing on my
    mobile phone and had soon 20,000 words in a row a story. The example here I
    believe might interest you.

    ………… ….. that was the end of a story, begin again,
    work with tools and material at hand don’t look to the
    problems or questions the answers will come as required don’t
    look to the end that is not your concern, but do best, and
    be the best I can, simple philosophy, this is the way to work
    when you don’t know what you’re capable of, when you’re still
    exploring your talent and if as I believed that God had
    bestowed this gift, when i still believed in Him, then God
    would, as i believed, walk the journey all the way with me and
    only leave when he knew i would manage on my own because he
    knew he had taught me well and I would wait for the answer.


  3. Jessica, I can relate to your challenge. I was just talking with someone facing a similar one yesterday. My advice is to jump into the new social communication. That’s where the conversations are happening about innovations, trends and forecasts. You can see what interests you and follow your curiosity. If you’re already on Twitter, search for “questions for finding your passion” and see what you find. There are people on Twitter who’s passion it is to help other people find theirs!


  4. Really enjoyed the post. As to your question, “What are you curious about?” Inspires a memory of an Albert Einstein quote. It is “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” I think I would have enjoyed knowing this man.

    I am passionately curious about who I am. By this I mean the being within this physical frame referred to as my body. Just as you outline in your post each discovery is more engaging and invites me to go deeper and be more. The opportunity to demonstrate these discoveries by and with my example, every day and in every way is further encouragement and more than I ever anticipated.

    So, on we go into more discovery just as Albert Einstein did. Ill bet we both blow our minds as to what we encounter and where it leads. Onward and upward my friend!


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