Gratitude is a leadership mission


Make gratitude our mission

As Thanksgiving week unfolds, let’s pivot our thoughts to a powerful but often overlooked aspect of leadership: gratitude. It’s more than a courtesy; it’s a cornerstone in building resilient, motivated teams. This season, let’s unpack the role gratitude plays in shaping influential leaders.


The Quiet Power of Saying “Thank You”

Imagine a workplace where acknowledgment is scarce. Compliments? Almost never. It’s a place where motivation is sapped and enthusiasm fades. Now, picture a simple heartfelt genuine “thank you” infusing life into that environment. It’s not just about manners; it’s about recognizing worth, effort, and value.



Gratitude Fosters Growth

Leaders who express gratitude encourage their teams to reach higher. It’s a catalyst for growth – both personal and professional. Thankfulness can turn routine tasks into opportunities for innovation and inspiration.



Gratitude has a ripple effect. It begins anywhere and spreads through the team, creating a culture of appreciation. This culture can extend beyond the walls of your organization, influencing the broader community and shaping the industry’s ethos.



It’s Personal

Leadership isn’t just about strategies and goals. It’s deeply personal. When leaders show gratitude, they connect with their team on a human level. This connection fosters trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to the organization’s success.



But how can you implement gratitude?

Incorporating it into your daily routine is simpler than you might think. Here are some straightforward ways to foster an atmosphere of appreciation at work:


Start Meetings with Thanks. Begin team meetings by expressing gratitude for specific contributions and achievements. This sets a positive tone and encourages others to do the same.

Gratitude Journal. Keep a journal to note down the things you’re grateful for about your team and work each day. Share entries with your team periodically to show them their value.

Appreciation Board. Create a board in a common area (or better, online) where team members can post notes of thanks to each other. This not only boosts morale but also visibly reminds everyone of the good in your workplace.

Personal Notes. Send personal thank-you notes or emails to team members when they go the extra mile. Personalization shows sincerity and makes the appreciation feel genuine.

Public Acknowledgment. Use company-wide meetings or newsletters to highlight individual or team successes. Public recognition can be incredibly motivating.

Gratitude Roundtable. Dedicate a few minutes in meetings for team members to share what they are thankful for, whether work-related or personal. It can deepen team bonds.

Random Acts of Kindness. Encourage random acts of kindness within your team. It can be as simple as bringing in coffee for a coworker or helping out with a small task.


Incorporating these practices can help cultivate a culture of gratitude that uplifts everyone, turning everyday work life into a series of moments worth celebrating.


A Tool for Tough Times

Challenges are inevitable. But when leaders have fostered an environment of gratitude, teams are better equipped to face hardships. They know their worth and feel supported, making them more resilient in the face of adversity.



Reflection for Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, take a moment to reflect. Who has helped you grow? Who has supported your vision? Reach out. Say thank you. It’s a small gesture that can have an immense impact.

Remember, gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving – it’s a leadership practice for every day. Let’s make gratitude our mission, not just our message.




Image Credit: Nathan Dumlao

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