Monday, June 3, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - CEO Spotlight: Tara Chand, Founder, and CEO of Internet Promise Group Inc., Innovations for Human Health

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CEO Spotlight: Tara Chand, Founder, and CEO of Internet Promise Group Inc., Innovations for Human Health

Tara Chand, founder and CEO of Internet Promise Group

Tara Chand is the Founder and CEO of Internet Promise Group Inc., an innovation enterprise active across seven market verticals including human health. Among many breakthrough technologies, he has recently developed a novel therapeutic remedy using fumigation for direct killing of coronavirus, like SARS and COVID19, deep inside the lungs and has tackled complex issues in cyber security defense.

Born into an accomplished family of engineers and doctors, his late father was a world-renowned ophthalmic surgeon and surgical pioneer. With an accomplished family background, Chand attended India’s prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology, scoring in the top half percentile which earned him a place at IIT Delhi, where he graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. He then moved on to the University of London, graduating with a Master of Science in Systems Engineering, before immigrating to the United States, where he worked with some of the world’s largest Aerospace and Defense companies in security system engineering and project management while also finding the time to attend ABA accredited Southwestern University School of Law, pass the State Bar Exam and become an attorney in State of California.

Tara Chand, what does IPG mean to you and your work?

Internet Promise Group Inc., is a boutique innovation enterprise founded in 2000 to innovate, develop, and market product lines including secure mobile payments, mobile advertising ecosystems, and cybersecurity defense systems. The keyword is “promise” because my focus is to bring to fruition visionary inventions that have resulted in a vast number of patents. Our mission statement is to envision and build successful bridges between humanity and technology through practical, reliable solutions, and rapid market deployment. I want to provide safety, security, health, and wellness applications and solutions for businesses, governments, and consumers.

Give us a brief overview of your latest technologies invented thus far.

I take pride in tackling one of the most complex issues facing society in cybersecurity today. We have taken into consideration all potential vulnerabilities for infrastructure defense, remote user authentication, and communication security. In having innovated GuHS, a globally unique human signature for packet source attribution, has addressed a fundamental security issue underlying the Internet. Currently, besides cyber security defense across all its security risk threat vectors, we have also excelled in enhancing human health by inventing new techniques to kill viruses deep inside the human body without the use of vaccines and their reliance on the human immune system. Otherwise in addressing such virus caused illnesses, western medicine is usually reliant  on developing new vaccines that work by using the human immune system to create antibodies. One of the new inventions we have filed for patent and are awaiting approval for human trials is the “DADR-Nebulizer-MNA Liquid Medicine”, a therapeutic remedy that works as a fumigant with three powerful natural botanicals that have strong antiviral, antibacterial properties, which are also inherently safe for human lungs. It dawned on me one day to innovate and develop this therapeutic remedy while watching news items related to disinfecting a physical space by people wearing protective gear such as in fumigating the interior of an aircraft. I began my research with mechanics in medicine to quickly find a nebulizer that can be used to atomize liquids into vapor, usually by ultrasonic-mesh technology. I have identified three complex organic compounds with acute antiviral and antibacterial properties, which when inhaled via a nebulizer, would clear the lungs of SARS/COVID-19 coronaviruses.

I am proud to announce an additional patent pending human health innovation using the same DADR protocol or Direct Action – Direct Reach, called Ear Natural ear drops. In a single treatment, using all natural ingredients and within minutes, kills bacteria and viruses that hide deep inside the middle ear to treat all infections on contact instead of using seven day prescription antibiotics.

What is the main priority with these inventions as a CEO and industrial leader?

My goal is to realize the promise of a new world through innovations as well as to uplift the human spirit. Through developing new innovative forms of effective communication, entertainment, and new medicines and treatments, I can address serious health issues that western medicine often cannot effectively address. The priority is to launch entirely new industries and movements that fulfill a need when others cannot or will not. It is my belief that humans are at the center of the technological universe. Through the advancement of mobile and wearable devices, interacting and interfacing with the universe around them, there will need to be new innovations in ecommerce platforms to keep up. I’m fully confident that we will continue to see technology improve the lives of humans in all aspects, and that IPG can play an important role.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - CEO Spotlight: Tara Chand, Founder, and CEO of Internet Promise Group Inc., Innovations for Human Health

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Sophie Ireland
Sophie is currently serving as a Senior Economist at CEOWORLD magazine's Global Unit. She started her career as a Young Professional at CEOWORLD magazine in 2010 and has since worked as an economist in three different regions, namely Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, East Asia, and the Pacific. Her research interests primarily revolve around the topics of economic growth, labor policy, migration, inequality, and demographics. In her current role, she is responsible for monitoring macroeconomic conditions and working on subjects related to macroeconomics, fiscal policy, international trade, and finance. Prior to this, she worked with multiple local and global financial institutions, gaining extensive experience in the fields of economic research and financial analysis.

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