We’ve Got an Announcement!

AI insights plus personalized coaching means powerful change

We’ve got exciting news! Decker is now enhancing our best-in-class coaching with the power of AI insights. We’re partnering with Yoodli, an AI app/platform for speaker practice and feedback, to bring clients even more aha moments on what they say and how they say it.

What is Yoodli?

Yoodli is an AI platform that allows participants to practice their messages in front of a computer or device, letting them see analytics on filler words, body language, the pacing of their speech, eye contact, and content framing. They can also upload previously recorded videos to get insights that way. 

How does it complement the Decker experience?

It’s one thing to hear how others perceive your message; it’s another to get live data on the communications experience you create. Coaching by Decker delivery team members is top-notch, and now we can layer AI insights into that coaching. It’s a huge value add and gives a level of concreteness to that feedback. 

For example, remembering how many fillers you heard in a message is one level of context, but seeing that data boosts clarity and motivation to do something about it.

If you think about it, it’s a lot like the impact of video feedback in our programs. Video compliments expert coaching by providing an objective view (“Wow, I can really see a difference!”). AI does the same. 

What our clients are saying

“I was already wowed seeing myself on video and getting my coach’s great feedback. But when I saw my Yoodli report on how many sentences I started with ‘so,’ it all came together for me. I knew the change I needed to make, and how to make it. That’s the power of the full Decker feedback experience.”

“Life altering! How exciting to see and hear what a difference slowing down my pace by some 40% made.”

What’s next

We’ll continue to integrate Yoodli into our offerings throughout this year, including leadership development programs, conversational practice and more. 

Let us know if you’d like to check out Yoodli as part of your Decker experience!

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