
Get inspired by these three pioneering, sustainable companies

Written by Mark Rowland Wednesday 19 April 2023
“A sustainable approach is good business sense”: These businesses have transformed their leadership approach with environmental and social issues in mind, and they’re ideas that you can bring into your own organisation
The Burberry storefront in London

It almost goes without saying now that climate change is the biggest existential challenge for business and humanity in general. The latest IPCC report into the world’s progress on limiting global warming urges faster action across the board to avoid warming exceeding 1.5ºC. 

As a result, a more sustainable, ethical operational approach is now just good business sense; minimising the risks of climate change to the business, meeting stakeholder and investor needs, and increasing consumer appeal.


The leaders in this space are not all giants, but all have integrated sustainability-led thinking from the top down. Companies such as the Ecology Building Society for example demonstrate how much of a difference a small company can make. With under 100 employees, it is trying to change the financial system to focus on a more sustainable future. Making a difference to society through every transaction it makes, the climate emergency is prioritised at the centre of its strategy. Members not only get detailed information about how the company uses the money it holds, but as the property improves, the interest rate they pay reduces. Focused on the “art of the possible”, employees are also encouraged to come up with ideas to try out that the company then looks to roll out and scale up. 

Here are three more examples of pioneering companies that might give you some sparks of inspiration.

Keep reading for three more inspirational examples of sustainable leadership


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