
The real change makers: how middle managers can transform culture

Written by Beth Gault Tuesday 27 February 2024
In the second part of our series on culture change, we explore the crucial role of middle managers, and how they can be instrumental in transforming organisations
An image of a hand in water

The average middle manager is unlikely to feel like the hero of their organisation. 

As just one individual within the largest cohort of leaders working there, it may be hard to stand out. And when they look up the ladder, they will see plenty of stars above them with more striking job titles

Missed the first in our series on implementing cultural change?

Find out how senior managers can transform culture by refreshing and re-energising their workforce

Dr Chan Abraham

But, says Dr Chan Abraham CMgr FCMI, founder and CEO of Leadership International, when it comes to cultural change, middle managers wield unrivalled influence.

“Wherever they are in their management trajectory, middle managers are key gatekeepers to ensure a positive reception o f the transformation message among the rest of the organisation,” says Dr Chan.

 It’s essential to think of a company, not as a tiered organisation, but as a living organism whose patterns of behaviour are directed and driven by “circles of influence”. In other words, each manager has their own sphere of influence

He says it’s essential to think of a company not as a tiered organisation, but as a living organism whose patterns of behaviour are directed and driven by “circles of influence”. In other words, each manager has a sphere they affect – however small. This is where they can directly impact change, which cumulatively ripples out to the wider company.

“If you can secure a critical mass among the middle management cohort and persuade some to be enthusiastic early adopters of the purpose and message around cultural change, this will percolate through the rest of the organisation,” says Dr Chan.

So, how can middle managers be effective in their efforts to support and effect cultural change?

Want to learn more about the important role of middle managers within implementing organisational cultural change?


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