How to Create High Impact Leadership

Who gets further, those who delegate or those who don’t? Delegate or die. Delegate or stagnate.

If your plate is full and you can’t delegate, look around,
you’ve reached your highest potential.

Delegating is the path to exponential impact, seizing opportunities, flattening organizations, and leadership development.

Why do so many find delegating so difficult?

  1. They have more skill than others.
  2. Losing control frightens.
  3. Needing the limelight.
  4. Lack of time.
  5. Lack of trust.
  6. Tried and failed.
  7. Ignorance; they don’t know how.
  8. Discomfort with being held accountable for the work of others.

Delegating as development:

Delegating is more than getting something off your place; it’s the path to developing leaders.

If you don’t delegate they don’t grow.

Delegating authority moves people from theory to practice. People learn best when the rubber hits the road, when decisions matter.

Listeners think they know; doers learn they don’t. Real life bursts the bubble of perceived knowledge and opens the door to real learning.

Effective delegation lifts people from followers to leaders.

“Delegating tasks creates followers.
Delegating authority creates leaders.”
Craig Groeschel at The Global Leadership Summit.

How much is too much:

“Delegate almost to the point of abdication.”
Warren Buffet.

The less control you exert the greater engagement you inspire. Are you ultimately responsible? Absolutely. It takes courage, preparation, and planning to use delegation as a development tool.

High potential projects are high growth opportunities. Doing things where failure matters strengthens people.

Bonus tip:

Delegating requires sharing information. Information is power. Sharing information empowers.

How can leaders delegate effectively?

What delegating mistakes should leaders avoid?