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December 01, 2010


Nancy Collamer

Mazel Tov indeed -- a wonderful cause for celebration! Congratulations on all you have accomplished and all that is still yet to be.

Scott Eblin

Many thanks Nancy. Here's the back story everyone. Nancy is a fabulous career coach who focuses on moms who want to get back into their careers. My wife worked with her in 1999 and back in January 2000, Nancy agreed to talk with totally stuck me even though I wasn't in her target market. I came out of that conversation knowing I was going to coach. Nancy is awesome. Check out her work at

Jennifer Tucker

Great post and reflections, Scott! As always, wonderful words of encouragement and wisdom. All the best in the decade to come.... Jenny

Steve Laswell

Congratulations Scott!

Needless to say I appreciate your blog, especially the title.

As The People Developer I clearly agree with your observations. The foundation of personal growth is the reflection piece...which you modeled so well for us with this blog post.

What a great life!

Here's to your next level,

Dawn Metcalfe

Great post. My new business was one month old yesterday and I hope I'll be able to write something similar in 10 years time!

Dan McCarthy

Scott -
Awesome post, and congratulations on your milestone! Here's to many more.

Gayle Ely

Congratulations on this milestone. As my former coach reminded me on more than one occasion, those of us who tend to live by the motto "The future belongs to those who are not satisfied with today." often overlook the value of reflection on how far we have come.

We developed a symbolic image to remind me to celebrate small successes along the way. In my mind's eye, each small success became a "chick pea" that became an accumulation of chick peas that became a large pile of chick peas in the corner of my office. On days when things aren't going so well, I draw from that pile and make chick pea salad.

So thanks for sharing you chick pea salad with us.

Tom Schuler

Congratulations on your anniversary. Loved your last point on the impossibility of doing anything solo. I don't remember where I heard this quote, but I've always believed that "anyone who says they did something alone was either a fool or a liar." Keep on truckin'.

Deepak Pandhi


Sincere congrats. You have a gift and a passion which is quite a rarity and one loves to read your posts and your work. Please keep the flag flying! All the best.

Scott Eblin

Sincere, heartfelt thanks to all who have commented on this post in the past few days. It means a lot to me that you read and get value from some of the thoughts I share on this blog. Thank you for reading and taking the time to let me know that you do!

Cheers -


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As an executive coach, speaker and author of The Next Level, Scott Eblin advises hundreds of executive leaders every year. The Next Level Blog is where he shares "news you can use" to raise your leadership game.

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