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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - 4 Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make That Should Be Avoided

CEO Insider

4 Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make That Should Be Avoided

The rise of young entrepreneurs is not a case of the recent past. It has been quite a while since the younger population is taking up risks to establish and manage businesses. We have many examples before us, about people who started very young and are now highly successful entrepreneurs. But, do you think that they were always right and foresighted about what may or may not happen as per their plans? Of course not! They are as human as you are and made many mistakes. However, whatever they are today is because of the lessons they drew from their past failures, especially during the younger phase. Many of you reading this article may have plans for the future where you see yourself managing a business. Perhaps, you do not have a concrete plan right now but want to explore it in the future. It is, therefore, of great use that you look into this advice.

There are a few things that young entrepreneurs should avoid, and they have been mentioned below:

  1. Everything takes time, a lot of it actually!
    Everywhere people talk about the successes of young entrepreneurs but do not talk about their struggles. There is a long road ahead before you actually gain profits. Overnight success is a figment of the imagination and it will cost you many nights’ sleep to be able to raise a stable and profitable business. Youngblood is impatient and this impatience can severely affect your decision-making skills. The urge to get quick results because you are worried about the capital and manpower you have invested going to waste. But, friends, you have got to wait. You may witness success in a year or five years later. Some businesses take more to become successful. So, have patience!
  2. Know your limits
    Young entrepreneurs are enamored with decorative ideas. They want to bring out something that is an immediate rage, flashy and undeniable. While these aspirations act as good motivators, they can adversely impact your planning. Understand that you are young, new into the market, and with highly limited resources. Perhaps, a potential competitor has more capital to invest in her venture than you but that should not push you into breaching the well-defined boundaries and investing more than your resources allow. You don’t have to start with a ‘bang’; have a low-key start.
  3. You can’t do everything on your own
    Listen well, you may be a person with the greatest potential yet you are not perfect. You do not come with a hundred brains that help you deal with diverse aspects of the business. When you start, you may not need any manpower because you can handle things on your own but the chances of that happening is close to zero. You will need manpower howsoever limited it may be to get things in an efficient manner. It requires a team to raise a business; a good team will comprise every one of those professionals who will look into different aspects of the business. So, while the project is your brainchild, you will have to share it with people to make it happen.
  4. An inadequate business model
    You will often hear people say, “Oh! I just woke up and got this idea!” Honestly speaking, this is not even the tip of the iceberg. It is barely an atom. To start a business, you need more than an early morning realization. A business model is a blueprint that will guide you about how to run your business; in the model, you would have taken into consideration many things such as data about the items or services you aim to sell, estimated expenditure, target revenue, and target markets. In fact, these are only broad terminologies and are actually very complicated. So, make sure you focus on building a robust business model so that you can make educated, well-informed decisions rather than those based on impulse.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - 4 Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make That Should Be Avoided

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Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos is a senior money, wealth, and asset management reporter at CEOWORLD magazine, covering consumer issues, investing and financial communities + author of the CEOWORLD magazine newsletter, writing about money with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. You can follow CEOWORLD magazine on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or connect on LinkedIn for musings on money, wealth, asset management, millionaires, and billionaires. Email her at