Your Brain has a Mind of Its Own: Brain Management Strategies

You have thoughts you would rather not think.

Your mind wanders like a cat looking for mice.

You know you know something but can’t remember it. You tell yourself to forget a bad experience and you can’t stop thinking about it. Then you kick yourself for doing it.

Image of a bull facing down a rodeo clown.

Your brain has a mind of its own.

Your brain has a mind of its own:

You tell yourself, “Don’t worry about what others think.” What do you do? Wonder what people think of you.

I tell my brain to stay open, but I ignore myself.

Brain management strategies:

#1. Accept reality.

Forget the idea that there are two voices in your head. There’s a rowdy crowd in your head. Your boss, co-workers, customers, kids, neighbors, spouse, teachers, parents, and the dog all live inside your head.

#2. Stop beating yourself down.

I have the attention span of a chipmunk on steroids. It does no good to beat myself down for it. It’s the truth. Matters get worse when I beat myself down.

#3. Aspire without self-accusation.

Aspiration is an acknowledgement that you aren’t there yet.

Self-accusation is slop to pigs. The more you beat yourself down, the more you think about beating yourself down.

Accept, for example, that you don’t manage time well, AND aspire to make improvements. Don’t wallow in slop.

#4. Talk to yourself.

When your inner critic yells, “You’re an idiot,” say, “There’s my inner critic.” Then ask, “Anything else?” Or say, “Do you have anything useful to add?”

Lighten up. We’re all in the same boat, even people you admire.

#5. Understand others.

I met a guy from California who said he didn’t have a loud inner critic. I think he was smoking a joint. Everyone else beats themself down.

You don’t have to beat people down. They do it to themselves.

Challenge and affirm.

Correct with optimism.

What strategies help you manage a brain that has a mind of its own?