How to Refuel Your Own Tank

Busy people grow empty and eventually lose touch with the meaning of their busyness. Being coached may be a way for you to refuel your tank.

Last week I had my first coaching session with Bob Hancox from Tekara. To be clear, he coached me, I didn’t coach him. A few days before our appointment he sent some questionnaires to help me uncover topics I might want to discuss.

Shifting gears:

I love listening; I’m naturally curious. The higher up you go in your organization the more you’ll listen. I had to shift gears when Bob listened to me. He asked me questions that invited me to explore my own thoughts and feelings on the topic of relationship building.


It’s energizing when a disinterested party shows interest. By disinterested, I mean someone without an agenda. Most conversations have agenda’s. We’re seeking agreement, gathering information, or making decisions. That’s as it should be. Leaders work to get things done.

I found it energizing to take time to think my own thoughts.


You need to refuel your tank, to manage your own energy. You may find it useful to find a disinterested party to help you think your own thoughts.


How do you practice self-reflection?

How do you refuel your tank?


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