It’s Been a Sweet 16: The High School Years (2021-2023)

Growing a business is a little like raising a child. From the early days of worrying if you’re going to inadvertently harm your “baby,” to the stressful highs and lows of navigating the changes that come raising a successful business, we’ve had an eventful 16 years at The Roundtable. In celebration of our anniversary week, we thought we’d take the opportunity to look back at a few of the milestones along the way and share some of the lessons learned.

The High School Years (2021-2023)

Ah, teenagers. They’re rebellious, driven by hormones and restless. As we navigate The Roundtable through the teen years, we continue to define our focus and expertise in the area of leadership development and coaching. We’re gaining confidence in our strengths and doubling down on where we can make the biggest impact in the world. This is an exciting time as we look ahead at what’s to come, what we plan to shed and what new horizons we want to push towards.


  • #Impact215 Launches. Our team was devasted by the discovery of 215 children’s bodies at the Kamloops BC Residential School. Together with our friends at ICT, 3Coze and Parachute Executive Coaching, we created the #Impact215 Consortium with a goal to fund 215 Indigenous students through a combination of bursaries and scholarships. We have 194 left to go. Join us to help make a difference.
  • From 1:1 to Team: After spending 10 years offering team coaching, we decided it was time to teach leaders how to make the transition from one-to-one coaching to team coaching. In 2023, we launched an in-depth two-year program with one of our long-term clients and I’m excited to see how it shapes up.
  • Global Gurus Top 15 Ranking. Not going to lie, it’s pretty exciting to find your company listed with other global leadership development providers that you deeply respect.

Lessons Learned:

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Zig When Others are Zagging. In 2022, we decided to pilot the 4 day work week. I had been thinking about it for over 5 years and finally jumped in. Eighteen months in, I can honestly say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for my organization, my team and my own mental health.
  • Vision Boards Work. Every few years, we’ll refresh our company vision board and every year we celebrate the milestones we’ve achieved. It’s so important to step back every so often and dream beyond the boundaries of your thinking.
  • The Best is Yet to Come. Running is a business is a never-ending set of highs and lows. As each year passes, I feel increased clarity with what we are here to do and the impact we can make. Excited to see where the next 16 years takes us.

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