Decide Quickly; Act Now; Be Fearless – Counsel from Mika Brzezinski

So, here’s the thing.

You will fail.
You will be left behind, forgotten.
You cannot rely on yesterday’s successes.  People will forget them far too quickly.
What are you doing this week – this day – now?  That’s how you will be judged.

But…  the good news is a second (or third, or fourth) act is possible.  But such an act is possible only if you act.

And when you decide to act, you have to make decisions quickly.  Will it work, or not?  If not, then forget it. And move on.  If it might work, give it a shot.  If you sense that that is something that will work, go for it – fully – all of it!

Here’s Mika Brzezinski’s insight/counsel, (Knowing Your Value):

You can tell quickly if something works or not.
Both Joe and I had been beaten up in our respective careers, and that experience – plus the fact that we were both bored by the traditional television news format – made us fearless.
We had big plans and even more determination.

You can tell quickly.  So, decide quickly.  Act on it.  Be fearless.

Good advice.

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