My next invention: an online school for management 3.0

Learn Management 3.0 to Optimize Your Business, Your People, Your World; using a new 10-point framework to create a culture of motivation, disruption, and implementation.

Science, technology, and culture are constantly evolving. As a result rules change, and new opportunities emerge. Keeping up is hard.  The Atman Academy makes it easier. is an online school for business owners and operators – All 10 components will be taught as part of an online training environment that focuses on cutting edge management and organizational tools. The school itself is part of ongoing research projects to continually improve the framework.

To view a presentation visit here

Be sure to give me your feedback!

I am currently looking for investors and an amazing design partner who is expert in UX/AI.

2 thoughts on “My next invention: an online school for management 3.0

  1. So right now I am looking for partners who would like to help be build this school – could be a great project for a tech firm that wants to learn this stuff.

    Or if you just want to talk to me about this give me a call 🙂 310-494-1470


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