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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Mock Interviews And How To Make The Most Out Of Them

CEO Insider

Mock Interviews And How To Make The Most Out Of Them

Nowadays, there are professionals who deal only with how to write resumes and prepare people to go to interviews. Therefore, you realize the importance of the first impression in an office. So, the concept of a mock interview is a trend. The mock interview is like an interview rehearsal.
It can help you become familiar with the process and prevent the mistakes you may have made if you went on the interview unprepared. To be successful and beneficial for you, it has to obey some particular rules, and you have to make sure you apply all of them. Let’s see what can help you do your best.

  1. Choosing the right people 

    We assume the mock interview will take place with a professional interviewer from a career center. Asking A friend to do that for you will not help. A person you don’t know and who is in the business should be an ideal choice. In addition, ask for someone familiar with the industry you are applying for so they can ask the right question, give a solid background, and let you know if you make any serious mistakes.

  2. The recording is a career-saver 

    The optimal thing to do is record the interview and go through it again when you go home. You will need more than a raw idea of how you were in the mock interview, so recording is essential. Unless you work hard with that, do not expect any miracles to happen. Don’t underestimate the value of the mock interview since you can make a serious improvement using this tool.

  3. Create a similar interview setting 

    To help yourself get into the role, you should mimic the process as much as possible. Usually, the setting for the interview is a little ”cold.” It does not create a warm atmosphere that helps you feel comfortable. Somehow you have to find a way to make that feel like home. A relatively empty room with a simple desk should work.
    Moreover, the way you will dress will work in the same direction. Choose some clothes that will be your ”interview clothes” and use them whenever you rehearse. If they are uncomfortable, change them, but you must test them at least once. Closed-toe heels, simple jewelry for women, and an elegant but also a little casual suit for men are the ideal choices. Consider it as an actual interview and take care of every little detail.

  4. Do the essential company research 

    One of the most vital things you have to do when you apply for a job is to check who you will work for and what they are searching for. Doing your homework and knowing what they want is also a sign of respect. It shows that you have already cared to meet the company’s goals and criteria for success. If you are about to do a mock interview, this process must have been done already.
    The mock interview is different from a meeting, where you are generally going to discuss your strong points and interests and make a reference to your work experience. It is a process where you are supposed to apply for a particular job in a specific company, so knowing what this company is all about is a part of your preparation.

  5. Going through the criteria 

    If you are willing to pay for multiple mock interviews, do them with at least two interviewers. Even though going through it with one person will allow them to point out your improvement, it does not allow you to see what other people might ask.
    This way, you may believe you are prepared for any question that will come up, while in reality, you may have missed a large part of the questions that may be asked. The thing here is to identify the different styles and criteria each interviewer has in order to be prepared and make sure there are no surprises at the end.

Have you read?
The Truth About Remote Work Well-being by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky.
How a Legacy Business Should Undertake Digital Transformation by Dr. Vinod K. Jain.
What 200 of the world’s top leaders can tell us about burnout by Melo Calarco.
Why courageous leadership is needed for the time of permacrisis by Dr. Jefferson Yu-Jen Chen and Anne Duggan.
How to beat the biggest distraction at work by Darren Fleming.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Mock Interviews And How To Make The Most Out Of Them

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Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at